GCSkin Lumecca Handout

Lumecca Pre & Post Care Patient Instructions


  • Lumecca is not for persons with darker skin types (Fitzpatrick V-VI)
  • Persons currently taking medication Accutane. Please wait at least 6 months after stopping Accutane to receive Lumecca treatment.
  • Women who are pregnant or nursing.

Before your procedure

  • Avoid sun exposure. Apply sunscreen daily and do not tan, including self-tanner for 4 to 6 weeks before and after treatments.
  • Sunscreen SPF 30+ is advisable when outdoors two weeks prior and after treatment.
  • Discontinue any irritant topical agents for 4-5 days prior to treatment. Ex: retinols, salicylic acid, and glycolics.
  • May continue using one week after treatment.
  • If using Hydroquinone, stop using it 7 days prior to treatment.
  • If using Lytera (or other non-hydroquinone brightening products) you do not need to stop using product prior to treatment.
  • Do not use any retinol products (or products containing tretinoin) or exfoliants on the area to be treated for one week. Avoid Accutane (or isotretinoin products) for 6 months prior.
  • If you have a history of fever blisters, notify our office immediately. Dr. Yacomotti will write you a prescription for a prophylactic antiviral therapy to start on the day of the treatment to prevent a flare up of cold sores. If you have a current prescription, Valtrex 500mg should be taken by mouth twice daily on the day before, the day of, and the day after your treatment.
  • Photosensitizing medications including doxycycline and minocycline should be discontinued three days prior to the treatment.
  • Anticipate a social “downtime” up to 2-5 days before any redness, swelling and sloughing of the sunspots has subsided. 
  • Come to your appointment with a clean face. Remove all makeup if area to be treated is the face.
  • If applicable, please come clean-shaven in the areas to be treated (this usually means the face and neck).
  • If applicable, dress so that you may modestly expose the treatment area. 

What to expect

  • Redness and a slight warming of the skin are normal after the treatment and usually subside within an hour.
  • Over the next 24-48 hours you will observe pigmented lesions getting darker. They might look like coffee grounds. Dark lesions will dry and gently flake off within 10-14 days. Do not rub or scratch treated areas. You may use a mild facial scrub one week post treatment.
  • An improved skin appearance can be noted after the first session. Multiple sessions provide even better results. Treatment regimen depends on the severity of skin damage, skin type, and the type of treatment (vascular vs sun damage.)

After your procedure

  • You may have a mild sunburn (burning) sensation following the treatment that is usually gone within a few hours. Skin redness is normal and may last a few days.
  • There may be a slight amount of swelling.
  • Crusting or blistering is uncommon and not serious. Pigmented areas may begin to flake after a few days.
  • Cold compresses may be useful for the first 24 hours.
  • Your skin will be fragile for 2-3 days. Use gentle cleansers, do not rub the skin, and avoid hot water during this time.
  • Do not use any retinoids, tretinoins, alpha or beta hydroxy products, vitamin C products, scrub, exfoliate, or have chemical peels performed on the treated area for one week.
  • Makeup can be applied immediately if the skin is not broken. We recommend mineral based makeup.
  • When outside, apply SPF 30 every time you are outside (sunny or not) for minimum of 3 weeks post treatment
  • Avoid excessive heat or friction to the treated area (heavy exercise, saunas).
  • Sunspots and age spots will DARKEN with the treatments BEFORE they begin to respond and resolve. This is expected and a normal part of the process. Do NOT pick at or scrub these darkened spots for the first week. At week two you can use a mild exfoliation rinse if you would like. 
  •  Moisturizer may be applied after each treatment.


  • If a blister or crusting develops, please call our office immediately at (818) 458-9556 to speak with a provider. If the symptoms are severe, please call 911 or go to the emergency room


  • You will have several follow-up appointments after your procedure.


  • Lumecca is not for persons with darker skin types (Fitzpatrick V-VI)
  • Persons currently taking medication Accutane. Please wait at least 6 months after stopping Accutane to receive Lumecca treatment.
  • Women who are pregnant or nursing.

Before your procedure

  • Avoid sun exposure. Apply sunscreen daily and do not tan, including self-tanner for 4 to 6 weeks before and after treatments.
  • Sunscreen SPF 30+ is advisable when outdoors two weeks prior and after treatment.
  • Discontinue any irritant topical agents for 4-5 days prior to treatment. Ex: retinols, salicylic acid, and glycolics.
  • May continue using one week after treatment.
  • If using Hydroquinone, stop using it 7 days prior to treatment.
  • If using Lytera (or other non-hydroquinone brightening products) you do not need to stop using product prior to treatment.
  • Do not use any retinol products (or products containing tretinoin) or exfoliants on the area to be treated for one week. Avoid Accutane (or isotretinoin products) for 6 months prior.
  • If you have a history of fever blisters, notify our office immediately. Dr. Yacomotti will write you a prescription for a prophylactic antiviral therapy to start on the day of the treatment to prevent a flare up of cold sores. If you have a current prescription, Valtrex 500mg should be taken by mouth twice daily on the day before, the day of, and the day after your treatment.
  • Photosensitizing medications including doxycycline and minocycline should be discontinued three days prior to the treatment.
  • Anticipate a social “downtime” up to 2-5 days before any redness, swelling and sloughing of the sunspots has subsided. 
  • Come to your appointment with a clean face. Remove all makeup if area to be treated is the face.
  • If applicable, please come clean-shaven in the areas to be treated (this usually means the face and neck).
  • If applicable, dress so that you may modestly expose the treatment area.

What to expect

  • Redness and a slight warming of the skin are normal after the treatment and usually subside within an hour.
  • Over the next 24-48 hours you will observe pigmented lesions getting darker. They might look like coffee grounds. Dark lesions will dry and gently flake off within 10-14 days. Do not rub or scratch treated areas. You may use a mild facial scrub one week post treatment.
  • An improved skin appearance can be noted after the first session. Multiple sessions provide even better results. Treatment regimen depends on the severity of skin damage, skin type, and the type of treatment (vascular vs sun damage.)

After your procedure

  • You may have a mild sunburn (burning) sensation following the treatment that is usually gone within a few hours. Skin redness is normal and may last a few days.
  • There may be a slight amount of swelling.
  • Crusting or blistering is uncommon and not serious. Pigmented areas may begin to flake after a few days.
  • Cold compresses may be useful for the first 24 hours.
  • Your skin will be fragile for 2-3 days. Use gentle cleansers, do not rub the skin, and avoid hot water during this time.
  • Do not use any retinoids, tretinoins, alpha or beta hydroxy products, vitamin C products, scrub, exfoliate, or have chemical peels performed on the treated area for one week.
  • Makeup can be applied immediately if the skin is not broken. We recommend mineral based makeup.
  • When outside, apply SPF 30 every time you are outside (sunny or not) for minimum of 3 weeks post treatment
  • Avoid excessive heat or friction to the treated area (heavy exercise, saunas).
  • Sunspots and age spots will DARKEN with the treatments BEFORE they begin to respond and resolve. This is expected and a normal part of the process. Do NOT pick at or scrub these darkened spots for the first week. At week two you can use a mild exfoliation rinse if you would like. 
  •  Moisturizer may be applied after each treatment.


  • If a blister or crusting develops, please call our office immediately at (818) 458-9556 to speak with a provider. If the symptoms are severe, please call 911 or go to the emergency room.


  • You will have several follow-up appointments after your procedure.

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